Global map / Timing
You will find bellow all the possibilities for accommodation
near the circuit of Magny-Cours.
- Hotels and Castles
- Chambres d'hôtes et gîtes
Other links :
Chambre d'hô
Office du tourisme de Nevers
Office du tourisme Saint-Pierre Magny-Cours
Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours
Food Service
Various public catering outlets (refreshment, sandwich bar, food trucks ...) will be available inside the Magny-Cours circuit of the site.
The "picnic" are also allowed.
Warning: There is no cash machine on the circuit.
A Camping zone will gracefully be put at the disposal of participants, exhibitors and spectators, in the enclosure.
Please note this is not a camp, comfort is not the same.
Click here for location
No one can sleep in the paddock.
How to get to Magny Cours

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The Circuit is located 15 km (10 miles) south west of Nevers,capital city of Nièvre in Bourgogne. A charming city listed "of artistic and historical" interest, on the banks of the Loirs river , halfway between Paris and Lyon.